The Importance of Proper Salesforce Architecture

As businesses grow, so does their need for effective customer relationship management (CRM) systems. This is where Salesforce, one of the leading CRM solutions in the market, comes in. But implementing and managing Salesforce can be a complex process, which is why many companies turn to certified consultants and architects to ensure that everything runs smoothly. It is essential for companies to use Salesforce certified consultants and hire an architect. Bad code and management can lead to major problems in a Salesforce organization ranging from slow page loads, extra slow processing time on simple record edits to complete failure.

StepOne Salesforce Certified Consultants

Salesforce certified consultants are professionals who have undergone extensive training and passed rigorous exams to earn their certification. They have in-depth knowledge of Salesforce features and functionalities, as well as best practices for implementation and customization. Working with certified consultants ensures that companies have access to experts who can guide them through the entire Salesforce implementation process, from planning and design to deployment and training. They can also provide ongoing support to ensure that the system continues to meet the company’s evolving needs.

Hiring an Architect

A Salesforce architect is a professional who has extensive knowledge of Salesforce and the ability to design and oversee the implementation of complex systems. They are responsible for ensuring that the Salesforce implementation aligns with the company’s overall business goals and objectives. They can also provide guidance on technical architecture, data modeling, and integrations. Hiring an architect ensures that the company’s Salesforce implementation is optimized for its specific needs and that it is scalable and flexible enough to adapt to future changes.

Architecture Problems

When Salesforce implementations are not properly designed or managed, they can lead to a collapse of a Salesforce organization. In Jenga, the goal is to remove blocks from a tower without causing it to collapse. However, when the tower is poorly built, removing even one block can cause the entire structure to crumble. The same can happen with a poorly designed Salesforce implementation.

Imagine a company that uses Salesforce to manage its sales and customer service operations. The company’s Salesforce team decides to customize the system by creating custom fields and workflows without properly understanding the underlying data model. Over time, the system becomes bloated, with redundant data and inefficient processes. When the company decides to implement a new feature or integration, they find that the system is too complex and brittle to support the change. Or a member of the team removes a key flow or apex trigger that they are unaware updates another object.  They did not realize that their data will no longer update as required. One misstep, and the entire system crumbles.

Salesforce is a powerful tool for managing customer relationships, but it requires careful planning, design, and management to ensure that it is optimized for a company’s specific needs. Working with certified consultants and hiring an architect can help ensure that the system is built correctly from the ground up and that it is scalable and flexible enough to adapt to future changes. Failure to do so can result in a Jenga problem, where one misstep can cause the entire system to crumble. So, invest in your Salesforce implementation today to ensure the success of your business tomorrow.